Under a Greek Sun by Mandy Baggot

Under a Greek Sun by Mandy Baggot

Author:Mandy Baggot [Baggot, Mandy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Boldwood Books



The timing could not have been worse, Gianni knew that. But what could he do? Put this very new introduction to his father and this very new interaction with Eve above his business? Put it above the company Riccardo had started and built up into a coffee empire, everything Gianni had known and lived by for the whole of his twenty-five years? You didn’t turn your back on something like that, something that was the backbone of who you had always been.

The problem was, if he left Corfu now, if he got embroiled in this new idea he had, creating a new contract, delivering a different concept, starting something from absolute scratch… would he ever return? Was he going to end this? Could he know that his father seemed to be a good man, was doing great things with animal welfare, but never go any further than that?

It was late afternoon now and Gianni was still musing as he stood in the car park of the shelter, taking it all in. The stone outbuildings, some of their roofs made from sheets of corrugated iron bound together with wire to keep them intact; the edge of the paddock, bordered with olive trees, silvery green leaves bright in the light; Phantom, Milo and Pnévma grazing; the roofs of the two cottages beyond.

‘We will have to begin to charge you for the parking space.’

It was Pan, appearing from one of the sheds, the mother goat on a rope, her babies trotting along behind.

‘How are they doing?’ Gianni asked.

‘See for yourself.’

He walked nearer, the mother bleating loudly, the babies hot on her heels.

‘Can I touch them?’ The kids were paying him a little interest now, stepping gingerly forward on their super-long legs.

‘Of course!’ Pan answered. ‘Pick them up, rock them like human babies, they love to be touched. And Mama will not mind. She is close.’

Gianni didn’t have to make the decision. With one ginormous leap, the brown and white goat leapt up into the air, and he caught it, staggering back and trying to hold it less awkwardly. All Pan seemed capable of doing was laughing.

‘It is going to lick my face!’ Gianni exclaimed, jerking his head back.

‘He likes you,’ Pan said. ‘Here.’ He put his own hands on the goat. ‘Move your hands underneath his body, support him there, let his legs be free, like that.’

It felt strange. Him holding the goat. His father moving his hands around, advising, guiding.

‘He is so relaxed now,’ Pan continued. ‘He could fall asleep at any moment.’

‘Do not say that,’ Gianni said. ‘I have things I must do.’ He paused for a second before carrying on. ‘I… have to leave here. Early tomorrow.’

‘Leave?’ Pan queried, tightening his grip on the rope. ‘You stay somewhere else on Corfu?’

Gianni shook his head. ‘No. I must return to Italy.’

Pan frowned. ‘It has been a short holiday for you. You have only started to get to know Eve.’

‘Yes,’ Gianni said, sighing. ‘I know. It is not ideal for me to go now, but I have a problem with my business, and I need to return to try to fix it.


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